Bonner Aufruf
The "Ten Proposals" are to some extent a continuation of the "Bonn Appeal". They were published for the 2009 Bundestag elections.

Ten Proposals for a Better Development Policy

directed to the governments of the donor countries

1. Given the disappointing results of development policies up to now, we call on you to make a fundamental change in direction.
2. Give up the idea that more money means more development. Abandon the 0,7% donor goal, because it is based on this false premise.
3. Change over, within 10 years, to providing aid principally in the form of loans. Insure that all people in developing countries have access to loans.
4. Focus aid on strengthening the efforts of individuals and society, especially through promoting education and better conditions for private economic initiative.
5. Finance infrastructure projects only in countries where previously built installations are consistently maintained. Design these projects in such a way as to create jobs for as many people as possible.
6. End the wasteful competition between and among the EU and its member states with regard to developing countries. Recognizing its own interest, Europe must react more decisively to the growing importance of developing countries.
7. End development aid to countries such as China and India that can help themselves.
8. Do not give further aid to countries that are not willing to disclose their revenues, especially from natural resources.
9. Give budgetary aid only to countries in which an independent and effective parliament, that serves the common good, controls the use of these funds in a transparent way.
10. Refuse development aid to the five countries that are the most corrupt according to the index of Transparency International.

the Undersigned