Bonner Aufruf

"End development aid!"

At a development policy conference of the Bonn Appeal held on September 15, 2018 in Bonn, the participants discussed not only the disappointing results of development policy to date, especially in Africa, but also the continuation of a policy that is largely mistaken. The following declaration was adopted (which, however, does not apply to activities of NGOs):
"The continued persistence of the development aid industry disregards the dignity and personal responsibility of the people of Africa and is a constant violation of the principle of subsidiarity. In the light of the experience of recent decades and out of respect for the capacity of African societies, it is necessary to work towards an end of development aid and to replace it with economic cooperation based on mutual interests."
You can find more details in the Bonn Memorandum.
If you have concrete experience with development aid or Africa and would like to join the signatories, you can do so here.