Bonner Aufruf

"No Marshall Plan for Africa, Please!"

Scholars and practitioners of development aid as well as diplomats who have served in Africa met at a conference of the Bonn Appealin Cologne, Germany, on November 26th and 27th, 2016, to discuss the state of development aid for Africa and the conclusions to draw from it.

They agreed on a Cologne Memorandum that includes a list of demands plus explanations.

Among the authors are:

Dr. Hans F. Illy

Dr. Peter Molt

Dr. Franz Nuscheler

Dr. Rainer Tetzlaff

      Professors of Political Science and African Studies

Dr. Karl Addicks, fmr MP Bundestag, Liberals, spokesman Development Cooperation

Klaus Thüsing, fmr MP, Bundestag SPD, 15 yrs. Country Dir., German Dev. Serv., in Africa

Volker Seitz, 17 yrs., Diplomat in African countries

Kurt Gerhardt, Bonn Appeal, fmr Country Dir., German Development Service ("DED") in Niger

       Memorandum (PDF)       Memorandum explanations (PDF)